Please read the following article as well as the ACC2COMP.TXT file before installing the Compatability Layer. Installation Issues with Jet 2.0/VB 3.0 Compatibility Layer ID: Q113684 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, version 3.0 - Microsoft Jet 2.0/Visual Basic 3.0 Compatibility Layer --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article documents some further installation issues that are not covered in the ACC2COMP.TXT file that ships with the Microsoft Jet 2.0/ Visual Basic 3.0 Compatibility Layer. MORE INFORMATION ================ Visual Basic version 3.0 includes support for the Microsoft Access version 1.1 database engine, Microsoft Jet Database Engine ("Jet"). This provides Visual Basic developers the ability to create and distribute royalty-free applications with Jet as the underlying database. However, Microsoft Access version 2.0 contains a new Jet file format that Visual Basic version 3.0 cannot access. To provide this capability, Microsoft created the Microsoft Jet 2.0/ Visual Basic 3.0 Compatibility Layer (Compatibility Layer). Use of the Compatibility Layer is optional -- Microsoft Access version 2.0 reads and writes Jet 1.1, so Visual Basic/Jet 1.1 applications do not need to be converted even if users upgrade to Microsoft Access version 2.0. There are some major benefits to upgrading, though, which are described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q113683 TITLE : Fact Sheet on Microsoft Jet 2.0/VB 3.0 Compatibility Layer Issues with ACC2COMP.TXT File in the Compatibility Layer -------------------------------------------------------- The ACC2COMP.TXT file outlines in detail exactly how to install the Compatibility Layer and update all the associated .INI files. However, it contains some errors and missing information, which is corrected by the following: 1. Errors in ACC2COMP.TXT: - In Table 2.1, "Files That Are Replaced or Modified by the Compatibility Layer," change PDOJET.DLL to PDBJET.DLL. - In the file names for the files that the Crystal Reports modification program uses, change PDDBJET.DLL to PDBJET.DLL. 2. When the setup program starts, it states that it is searching for installed components. Yet it always assumes that Visual Basic is in the directory C:\VB. 3. The Crystal Reports modification program, CRWACC20.EXE, must be put in the same directory as the files it modifies or else be given a full path to the files. The files CRW.EXE, PDBJET.DLL, PDCTJET.DLL, and PDIRJET.DLL usually reside in different directories. CRWACC20.EXE is copied to the root of the Visual Basic directory so that full paths must be given to modify any files. 4. The CRWACC20.EXE program gives confirmation that it has modified CRW.EXE, but it does not give confirmation that it has found and modified the .DLL files. You can verify that the files were modified by looking at the date stamp, which will be changed to the current date. 5. The setup program has a button for Complete Installation yet there are no other options.